hazel812 发表于 2014-8-6 11:23:38


severance package 离职补偿
sexual harassment 性骚扰
sexual orientation 性倾向
shotgun marriage/wedding 奉子成婚
social acceptability 社会心理承受力
social evolution 社会演变
social security expenditure 社会保障支出
social security privatization 社会保障私有化
social weakening 社会惰性
social worker 社会工作者
status statistics 有关居民阶级构成的统计资料
surplus labor 剩余劳动力
surrogate birth 代孕
tax evasion 偷税漏税
tough policy 强硬政策
tracking survey 跟踪调查
trial marriage 试婚
walking commuter 走班族
yard sale 庭院旧货出售
zero-sum game 零和博弈
Migrants exert positive effects on city construction.
Women working full-time earn about 72% of men’s wages for comparable jobs, a percentage that would be even lower had men’s earnings not declined.
The report takes a closer look at those who live together before marriage, including race, ethnicity, education level, and upbringing.
The baby-boom generation has entered its 50s and over the next few years will be retiring in large numbers.
More and more of our savings are institutionalized rather than individualized.
Multicultural America has always been adept at adapting and combining the cultural traditions imported by its immigrants.
Relatively young children are included in family decisions.
Americans tend to associate the greatness of their nation far more with such values as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, hard work, and competition than with national cooperation.

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